August 2024

Dear Christina,

Welcome to August's Label Alert! In this month's headlines, FDA rescinds regulation allowing use of Brominated Vegetable Oil in food, USDA plans to limit salmonella in raw poultry products, FTC offers guidance on Made in USA claims, and more ...

And this month, bundle and save on PLC's upcoming 2024 food label seminars! Take advantage of these comprehensive trainings on food label claims, emerging regulations, and legal risks.

Now, get caught up on the latest industry news from Label Alert.

FDA Revokes Regulation Allowing the Use of Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) in Food

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is revoking the regulation authorizing the use of brominated vegetable oil (BVO) in food. Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is a vegetable oil that is modified with bromine. The agency concluded that the intended use of BVO in food is no longer considered safe.

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USDA Moves to Limit Salmonella in Raw Poultry Products

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The Agriculture Department announced plans to limit salmonella in poultry products in the U.S., a proposal that officials say will keep contaminated meat off store shelves and lead to fewer illnesses.

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The End of Chevron Doctrine Does Not End Food Safety Regulation, But it May Make it More Difficult

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The “Chevron deference or doctrine” that bit the dust last week when the Supreme Court nixed it means courts will no longer defer to federal agencies’ interpretation of ambiguous laws. It is not the end of federal regulations. It does make them more vulnerable to legal challenges.

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Look to the FTC for Help with Your Made in USA Claims

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Regular readers know that when it comes to false “Made in USA” claims, the FTC means business. Lying about product origin hurts consumers, honest businesses, and American workers. That’s why we keep suing companies that don’t play by the rules, assessing penalties where appropriate, and returning money to consumers when we can.

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‘Boneless’ Chicken Wings Can Have Bones, the Ohio Supreme Court Says

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While the name may suggest otherwise, "boneless" chicken wings are not guaranteed to be free of bones, as decided by the Ohio Supreme Court. The 4-3 verdict was decided against Michael Berkheimer, a patron who filed the suit against a restaurant and its chicken suppliers in 2017.

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Career Corner - TH Foods

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TH Foods is hiring a Regulatory Manager.

Find out more and apply...

2024 Food Label Seminars: Bundle & Save!

Food Label Claims, Emerging Regulations and Legal Risks

Online ~ Oct 23-25

Sign up for a seminar package to benefit from our premium discounts.

The 2024 Food Label Seminars are essential for anyone interested in learning how to develop and substantiate food label claims and how to assess their risks amidst the evolving legal landscape.

Seminars include two 3-hour deep dives into USDA & FDA food label claims, and six one-hour seminars delivered by top food lawyers covering litigation risk, evolving regulations & leading-edge claims.


USDA Labeling Webinar Series

Aug 8th, 15th & 22nd

Explore the distinct labeling regulations of the USDA. This webinar series provides a comprehensive foundation, covering essential aspects of USDA labeling.

FDA Labeling Webinar Series

Aug 6th, 13th& 20th

Learn the basics of FDA labeling rules and the latest trends and regulatory developments.



Label IQ Audits

